Patch 3.1.1* - Patch Notes

Top tip. If you put Crystal affixes on legend 7d’s they get boosted by set bonus. But affixes would you put on :roll_eyes:


Oh wow! Now if you could compensate for the deadly sins negative stats by adding crystalline stats. :heart_eyes:


I’ve put together a crushing flames farmer and am scouring 1000+ M3.


When back years ago me and @Golem made our pvp 7D’S build we never paid much thought to the negative values. Oh genius! That’s where we should have looked.


Samsung S9+ runs this patch completely fine on all setting and all floors. :+1:


what about the Map? the Map looks stretched on my Device. (Pocophone F1)


I don’t find new items, do they actually exist? Or am I just unlucky?

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:TLDR: It is a bi-product of the older tech we used to make DQ1

This is due to resolution scaling. Basically, when we made DQ1 the resolutions that we supported didn’t account for the larger phone screens of today.

The mini-map (I think) is a small texture that is being scaled up when you press the map button and displayed on your screen ( a common practice for screen space UI elements). Since devices now have much larger screen resolutions they can support our tiny mini-map texture gets skewed when it is used on these devices.


Appreciate the input and patience everyone!

Also, thanks @tdaniel for all the help! :slight_smile:


thanks for the info. appreciate what you guys doin’. please include also otther old vanities. i like what you guys did on Obsidian. possible on Ruby also? :sweat_smile:
hope the Gold Bug will fix soon. once again. thank you guys for the effort. looking forward for more updates. :metal:

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What is the gold bug you are referring to?

ah. this one.

on Gameplay looks normal. right?

but if you go to menu to see how much gold you have.

stuck at 2,147,483,647

hoe you will fix this soon. :+1:

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hmmmm…odd issue, thanks for the screen shot.
I don’t know if we will get around to fixing that in the short term or not. Still waiting on the initial Amazon patch to get approved. That will need to get done before we do any other changes/fixes.


thank you @tdaniel. :pray:

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I have a question about the map issue: I understand that it uses an old resolution (I’ve definitely played old games that no longer look right) but why is it a problem now? I’ve used the same device for the last year and it’s been fine. Did something change?


@kiane_zaine don’t worry the bug is quite easy to fix for the devs.

Looks like im playing this again, lets see if arena Will be less câncer, good luck on your drops lads!


I’m only playing the arena when Amazon updates the patch for my firestick tablet. My old Samsung phone is a nightmare.

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My friend @Golem is unable ( for the moment ) to play this Update . His Internet access is restricted because he can’t access the free connection at local libraries which are now shut down. But when he comes back he will think wow ! :heart_eyes:


Thats tuff, no internet to distract your self from this plague, at leats is gonna come back whid alot of farm for sure!