Please help! My messaging system won't open! I can't get my Christmas vanity because of this

100% credits for tdaniel. what i do is just tell my theory based on tdaniel explanation on acc connected and arena ID, those theory need to test and it seem working since u got your. and anyway congratz finally u got your skin~ :slight_smile:

I’ve uploaded my account on iCloud and also have a BA id but I have yet to receive anything…anyone mind checking on that please?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Hey! Please contact the support. I am sure they will help you:

If you can sync to DQ account; then you’re halfway there.

Enter arena nickname

Go back to main page


Did all of what was suggested and got access to my mail and treasure chest but it was empty. Sure would love to get those skins :slight_smile:

Hey! Please contact the support. I am sure they will help you:

Got them today! :wink::wink::wink: