It’s made farming a lot easier. I know where to go and kill the cartographer. You will have to go to high floors mythic 3 for epiphany but you can build up to it . On higher floors you get zombie monsters that won’t die. Best thing to do is close the map. But having gone high I just farm any floor 400 plus. I’m pvp 1v1 eternal division 4. Everything I need is easily findable.
Can a cartographer go zombie mode cause i remember when i use to play back in the day a few went zombie mode so i couldn’t complete the map
Just shut the map. You will waste hours of your life. I’m a summoner in arena. Randomly I sometimes summon zombie furies
Alright so ill just buy a few maps for the floor that i get to then just incase one becomes zombie and then ill be screwed if i dont have a back up map lol
Yeah get lots of maps at a doable floor. Don’t forget every time you complete a map the map drop is higher then soon your on a really hard floor. It’s like being up Sh*t creek without a paddle but even worse , you won’t even have a canoe
I don’t put Gold Find on my Hireling, as I found out that it doesn’t affect the Stat Page. I had noticed some discrepancy’s and did some tests. if you have Skill Points, just do some tests with Fortune Skill. just Luck, Item Drop, and Experience (if Ascending for Perks or leveling up with a Hireling).
Thanks . I would opt for @Golem advice over mine anytime.
I was wondering why my gold find wasn’t doing anything more when i would put gold finds on my hireling cause i wasn’t seeing no difference at all thats why i made the post cause i was confused haha
Solo map runs is your best option.
I had the same problem when I was working on my Main & Hireling for Farming, which is why I did the tests in the first place. just means more space for something else for the Hireling instead of farming.
@dickwad stop! you are making me ! but don’t stop praising me!
You deserve the praise and so do I . But we both know we are very… very… lazy.
not sure if I am being praised now. maybe I should be more humble before I get struck by .
When I see people’s profiles and see the hours and hours of time they have played to achieve their positions. I just think give up.
I wish there was a play time count for iOS cause it would be awesome to know.
Ya i think ill do solo gold runs for awhile and see what happens.
How do you get the epiphany for the rogue? You have to get it using the wizard right and then jasper it to the rogue? Ive been gambling hard to get epiphany and cant get it to save my life cause i already gambled 22 times for it and now i have none left lmao
Yes jaspering from class to class is the only the way to get ephinany on all characters but the only way I make all my builds. It would be impossible otherwise. Jasper everything
Epiphany can’t be rolled with Amethyst, you have to find the Item and then Jasper it.
bookmark this for future reference to help save on Crystals.
@ScArEdPyRo also, using Main & Hireling, you get a +100% Item Drop Rate over Cap, so going solo, you would get up to +200%, +250% with Epiphany (5). with Main & Hireling, you automatically get +100%, then up to +300% with Cap, +350% with Epiphany (5) (only the Cap gets boosted by Epiphany, not the bonus from having a Hireling).
Dang it i wish i would’ve asked you about epiphany before i went and spend all my amethysts lol. Oh well it happens i guess but now its hard for me to get amethysts bow for some reason so im kinda screwed for awhile lol. I might just craft a wizard necklace with epiphany and jasper it for my rogue i guess
Dust made Crafting so much easier. but it takes lots of Gold to get enough Dust for the items you need. that’s what gave me the idea for this story. I wrote it three months after Patch 3.0 came out, and about a month after I joined the Forums.
I’m accumulating lots of dust. So don’t be surprised if eternal cerebral cortex jewelry start to appear on my characters in arena