Ok. I’m hoping someone can shed some light here. @tdaniel this ties in with what i was trying to get across before.
I have 2 x lvl 99 character decked out in EXACTLY the same setup. Yes, I know lvl 99s are not gaining exp. Lol. It’s not the point. The results and values are the same at lvl 50 in their respective ilvl 100 gear.
- Epiphany(7)
- 4x 30% quest
- 2x 40% quest
- 6x 15% legend exp gain.
Each characters total solo play +exp gain is 270%
Then I add exp boost. Each char +370% exp gain.
Until I join them in a party… boom. 235%.
How is this possible? There is No level difference. They are in EXACTLY the same gear.?
As you demonstrated the other day, the potion most definitely does boost, but if you recall, I pointed out an oversight in the calculation.
Magic slime - 368 exp before boost
Magic slime - 552 exp (iir) exp after boost
Theoretically, that should be 736… or so i thought with a boost giving 100% more exp. But really, the boost adds to exp gain. Not truly doubled exp. Ok… that’s fine, but it doesn’t explain this at all… and neither does level difference. It is now, imo, ruled out, as both characters are the same level.
Anyways… somethings not right, a bug, a stat page read out error, or something vital to the exp formula is not being mentioned.
I’ve been sharing all my data / screens with MrScooty, I’m hoping to resolve my brains disorder over this.
So far @Mr_Scooty has come up with closest supporting math and theory. A bug. But still stumped.