The Further adventures of Wildwood and May Hemm

May exclaims coming back from lvl 142L; “That was awesome, you are getting better and better all the time Wild.” Wild replies; “You are too, May” May quietly says; “Thank you for that ring you gave me, it has upped my game a lot.” Wild replies; “No problem, we are a team. Share and share alike.” May says; “Have you noticed something piculier? We get better gear when we work separately rather than together.” Wild replies; “Yeah, must be a computer glitch or a fault in programming.” May questioning asks; “What’s a computer glitch?” Wild replies; “Hell if I know, it’s just something that came to mind.” May retorts; “Wild, you say some of the wildest things some times.” Wild replies; I guess that’s why they call me Wild!" May saying quietly; “Maybe so!” As they walk off into the sunset making ready for their next exploits…