The Question Thread

Nothing much different except for the difficulty

I noticed that most guides involve getting +4 to your sets. However, since Nadroji (and maybe others?) have +2 to set bonuses as a legendary affix, why don’t any guides involve +6? +2 from the legendary affix and then +2 from ring and +2 from amulet from mythstones?

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[+ All Set] is capped at 4. So 2 [+2 All Set] should be enough.

because there is a cap which is +4 thru either legend affiix or mythstone. However, the highest level of set is 8 which you can attain by having +4 affix and multiple same affix in your gear.

With Discordance, would multi attack work on, if I was using a flintlock, scatter shot or ricochet?

multiattack still work when use discordance but not increase projectile. it increase special skill damage instead. For example if u have +4 multiattack.
with gun recochet deal 100% damage while scattershot deal 800% damage. When u use recochet deal 800% damage while scattershot deal 100% damage, So with +4multiattack it will effect scattershot with damage boost and the damage will be.
Scattershot 100% Damage + (0.5×4) = 300%.

*Extra attack chance also effect when use discordance but it more complicated. this one u can check on Dev Q&A thread, i already ask them and steiger already explain that.

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Where can I found it or get it please help me

MH weapon skill scattershot,
OH weapon skill smokebomb,
Set Overload,
OH Mythic Skill
Those come with chance to blind enemy when proc, trigger, or active.

Some items have [Chance to Blind] affix, it’s a unique affix so you can’t get it via Ruby

PS: Merge this to the question thread as well.

How important is it to farm at 350 vs 200, and at 200 vs 100? My understanding is that there is no benefit when it comes to crystals/mythstones, but that there is some benefit when it comes to legendaries. However, the wiki doesn’t appear to be accurate when it comes to what floor is necessary for what legendaries, and even if it did I’m not entirely clear on which legendaries are good enough to matter if you end up using crystals to make “good” gear anyway.

I found an Insolence (hatchet with Defiant). Other threads seem to suggest that Defiant is very helpful, so what is the best way to make use of this? Is there a good warrior build that would use it, or am I better off converting it to a Mirror or Mana Shield?

edit: Just found an Insolence (trap with Defiant) too, so similar question with that wrt Skull/Horn.

Is it possible to remove affixes on pets? Particularly legendary pets? Or, is there any other way to get an ideal pet without starting over every time it gets an affix you don’t want?

I’m getting substantially more items and a higher average rarity of item farming 350+ on very easy than I was when farming 200+ on epic. In theory, based on my low base luck and item drop rate, I should have been getting substantially more and better items on epic than on very easy. I know I read in another thread that some people experienced much better drops at 500+ than at 350+. Are there hidden benefits to higher floor numbers, or is something else going on here? I do recognize that without hard data it could just be an inaccurate “feeling”, but the numbers I’m experiencing feel like they are outside the range of RNG.

giving your theory a try, as I never farm pass 300 on normal , most of the time I just farm on 150-200 on legend quick kills and a lot of legend drops to convert to crystals. now farming on normal at 350+ was moving 1 floor at a time as the map drops, find less item drops but what does drop are rare legendary, even some Crystal and eternals, just less items in total. Have to say I’m using warrior with horn and only sprinting around and letting blight kill everything and my rogue hirling kill what ever I miss. spending about 10-15 sec per floor as once I find a map drop I move onto the next floor . Going to try and hit floor 500+ on normal and see if the farming any better… ie.

Which crystals count as “Rare Crystals” and which count as “Ultra Rare Crystals”? I’m mostly curious if “Ultra Rare” is a subset of “Rare” or if it is its own category (i.e., can I get “Ultra Rare” from the feat and from salvaging normal legendaries, or only through crafting/purchasing/salvaging crystal/eternal legendaries), but also what the lowest rank “Ultra Rare” crystal is.

Is there a similar Mythstone distinction?

Also, any info on my previous questions would be greatly appreciated :slight_smile: I know I’m asking a lot of them >.<

jasper and up is ultra rare that you can get by converting eternal and crystal legends

mythstones with purple symbols are ultra rare.

So you CANNOT get them by converting regular legendary items or by the crystal convert feat? ONLY by converting eternal and crystal legend and the 5,430,000 vendor purchase (and super super super rare drop)?

Thanks for reminding. You can get ultra rare from crystal convert feat. i’ve gotten a obsy from it

Normal crystal: Calcite⇨Emerald
Rare Crystal: Peridot⇨Amber
Ultra rare Crystal: Jasper⇨Obsidian

Normal Mythic Stone: Hero⇨Haste
Rare Mythic Stone: Death⇨Quest
Ultra Rare Mythic Stone: Fortune⇨Elixer


oh i thought fortune is only rare. good to know