this is a Cold Build, so he is using the Plagued Set for a boost to total HP and AR, and Drudic to boost HP/MP Regen, not for extra Poison Damage.
@dickwad Equality works off of your Total HP/MP %, not Current HP/MP %. with so much HP from Plagued compared to your MP, you are just throwing Equality into the Arena Blind and without a Sword. not only does it’s damage go down, but the All Regen goes down too.
if you have 25k HP, and 5k MP, that is 20% Total HP/MP %. Equality (3) is 22.5% of the 20%. a 4.5% boost to damage and HP/MP Regen. umm, even if I did the math wrong, the numbers are still bad. this is where I got my info from.