Twitch Stream : Eternallized(8), floor 2 boosted pet farm. Results are in

So based on my own results, compiled with other players running eternallized(8), it is my opinion that eternallized(8) is NOT worth it.

In fact, i repeatedly find far more eternals on a dedicated crystalline(6) iiq 370 build then on an eternallized(8) 950% luck build. Anything beyond the 300% base perk seems to have no effect really. In fact, even the base 300% is not that effective it seems. I found just as many eternals without the perk.

I really think somethings broken with eternallized, but this is just my opinion based on much repetition.

It would seem with 600-700% eternallized, well… should be alot more eternals dropping, but this just isnt the case.

Anyways, moving on.

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Floor 2 - pet farming.

Eternallized(8) - 850% luck.

Due to a lack of epiphany, luck wont quite break 1000%, but the 150% is really trivial at this stage, however, in all past f2 farm tests, 1012% luck has been used with great results.

Can eternallized(8) redeem itself and produce an eternal pet with a lower luck%?

Gearing up for a 1 hour floor 2 pet farm. Hunter Boost (monster spawn boost) required.

Tune in at 10:30 pst to watch

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this looks like an interesting experiment, even though Eternal Pets cannot be crafted. but if you can show an increase in Eternal Pet drops with Eternalized (8), that means the chances of finding an Eternal Pet with good affixes can be increased. even if it is only a little increase in the chance to find them. good luck. :four_leaf_clover:

Actually, im expecting eternallized(8) to be a failure, as it has not been effective under any other tested conditions as of yet. But we shall see. This is basically my last go at eternallized(8) before i shelf it completely.

May the force be with me. :slight_smile:

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whispering to @ObiWanKenobi shouldn’t you say ‘May the RNG be with me’? that would be so DQ! the other way is so Star Wars. :laughing:

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The results… 700% eternallized, 850% luck, f2 hunter boosted pet farm.

with only 7 minutes left on the clock… 1 eternal pet. tip : do NOT expect an eternal drop. over 10s and 20s of hours spent boosted farming floor 2, this is NOT that common… but today luck was with Obi Wan.


good work. it looks like the results are in. if you want an Eternal Pet, it will take a lot of hard work.

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I fingers eternalized and christaline produce very interesting drops in conjunction

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Yeah it does seem like Eternalized isn’t as effective as it used to be based on what you are describing. I can remember a lot more eternals dropping before in older patches but after that luck bug fix in some patch like patch 2.4 where luck didn’t seem to be working properly , drops went back to normal except I did notice a bit less eternals and crystal legends with Eternalized and crystalline.
At least I think I can recall it correctly. Although eternal pets were always rare in general but it’s interesting when I’ve seen people with inventory full of Eternal pets (at least a stash full of em). I mean its not impossible but it takes effort which can be Ok but that just a warning. Not surprising that many of them not used but some do. Its great you did these streams and took the time to test them.

is 2 nadroji bonuses can stacked? and i farm pets in f2 since i start playing i noticed that in last 20mins (hunter boost) droping legend pets are high ete pets are more difficult to find now.


My six year old nephew drops eternals with low luck affixes. He’s still on floors 40 to 50 very easy lol

I dropped 2 eternals with crystalline affixes in one day with eternalized and chrystaline farming gear. However in main I drop garbage. Only found one eternal pet in 6 months. Still to find eternal unreal hood

Hold on just dropped this

@LemonKiller the Nadroji bonus does not stack. if you check your stat page, the last one, and check the monster rarity boost?, if you have 2 Nadroji bonus, it should be 200%, but only shows 100%. so which one you use depends on your build.
Edit: also, I found out the hard way, you need 2 items with the Nadroji Set on them to activate the bonus. if you only have 1 item with the Nadroji set, and use +set affix to increase Nadroji to 3 or 5, the bonus wont activate.

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Yep. Only the Nadroji Set itself.

@Golem staring at my monster rarity, yes its 200% ill show some ss for you, it shows 200 total enemy rarity i found it stack i got 2 nadroji gears (head and chest)

It does show yes but it doesn’t seem to actually apply even when extensive testing. Better two nadroji than two nadroji bonus.

The perceived benefits of two nadroji bonus also seem to be mistaken with 2 set affixes of Nadroji. Although one nadroji bonus was already really good because 100% enemy rarity really does help in increasing group sizes of higher rarity or acts like 100% magic enemies. 200% should do the same but from what it felt like , not really. Then again, even one nadroji bonus is too good when you farm fairly well and use magic enemies + packsize.

I did some experimenting with the 2 Nadroji bonus’s, and it only uses 1. the other 100% comes from someplace else, either from being on a challenge map or very high floors, or maybe even random. when I was on a map with 0% total enemy rarity. I used both of the bonuses. I even tried doing hat/chest and chest/hat when equipping, and only got 100%, so the other 100% is from something/someplace else. I think the reason there are 2 bonus is for different builds that need the bonus either on the chest or hat. I have had 100% total enemy rarity without the Nadroji Bonus, so I think the max is 200%, but 100% is from someplace, and the other from Nadroji.
as far as the bonus goes, there is a post that states that the rarity bonus increases the chance of the monsters spawning as Magic or Rare tier monsters. if you are on a pack size map, then any monster that spawned as Magic/Rare rarity will come in larger packs, just like the Normal monsters. higher tier monsters mean better loot and more experience, but more danger. having a Rare 150% pack size furies or malums landing on you just is not a fun time, exciting, but not fun. unless you don’t die right away, then it is exciting and fun!

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Yep. Sounds exactly like what I’ve observed from much farming.