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Hey bro, kinda offtopic, just wanna ask if Sanctuary would work on 100% Glasscannon, thanks.

Oh and epic affixes man, would’ve been totally awesome as an eternal.


yep sentuary work with 100% g.cannon

Alright thanks a lot man.


no prob

My lilith is decent, wish she had some more defensive affix on her

Do you wear all eternal gear or do you use eternal set affix or both?

Nooooooooooooooooooo xD

I have 23 Legend pets and I don’t have 1 eternal pet. >.>

Lol the struggle.

and here I am still looking for eternal obsidian dagger lol

Eternal obsidian dagger is super rare since you can only get them near lava. Or you can try your luck on an eternal chest.

I still don’t have that as well. :sweat_smile:

FINALLY !!! Just got a green Pokemon floor 941 decided to use eternalize (6) and it pull through. @Emman @cronos4321
Edit: @saintwave thanks

I swear, no one mentions me, you guys don’t love me. :frowning:
Lol. Gratz though.

EDIT: @VicBot I was just kidding, but thanks a lot bro :smile:



Congrats Vicbot. I am near on my 24th I hope I get it :sunglasses:

@saintwave @saintwave @saintwave @saintwave @saintwave :smiling_imp:


Oh God. Lol, I died. Hahahaha.



I believe in you that you believed in yourself that you’ll get one soon.:slight_smile:

Don’t believe in yourself. Believe in me who believes in you.

Ours is a drill that will pierce the heavens!


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@VicBot: Thanks ^^

Wish your luck. hope u get something that not related to combat style like faun gift or styr.spirit … hahaha JK

Oh I didn’t see saint comment till now lol.