

found a Heaven Slime? Nice! :+1:


Good pets are hard to come by. I keep being “gifted” with the same duplicate pets over and over.

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the more useful Pets I would like 3-4 of, and 2-3 of the useful ones, 1-2 of the might be useful ones, at least 1 of the others for testing, and the rest to fill up my Pet collection in the Codex.

I think I’ve got at least one each of the Slime Elements, and 2 each of Heaven & Hell, but not all of the Slime Skins. I’m at about 1/2 for all of the other Pets, with 2-3 for a few of them.

this is one of my first slimes…

Oscar was an Epic Slime when I finished Crafting it. I didn’t get my first Legend Slime until much later…


Eternal pets are among the most frustrating aspects of this game. Very difficult to acquire, and mostly unusable.

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I only got an epic ice slime so far…still busy grinding my way up to floor 500


I’ve only found 3 Eternal Pets so far, and the most recent find was the only one that was even possibly & barely useful for any build that I might try.

@DJC , have you tried @Mr_Scooty Eternal Pet Farm Build? he started working on the build in 2.0, and did an update after 3.0 came out, and there is a lot of feedback from players, so the whole thread is helpful, especially considering some of the advice isn’t all in one post, but most of the important advice is.


Thank you for the suggestion. I do recall reading up on his build, but it’s been quite a while. I should revisit. :ok_hand: