Best single hit in battle arena = 2.19M

Hey everyone.

In relation to this thread, I have a question for you all:

Assuming you can only pick one, which will give you more damage (taking into consideration that you have plenty of elem crit chance)

A. 50% Glasscannon

B. 100% High Voltage


Much much thanks…

Glasscannon if you already have high voltage .

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In pvp 60 ele crit chance becomes 24%
Meaning you have 24% chance of doing 28% more damage ( 100 highvoltage is 28% in pvp). Wich in the end does 6.7% more damage.

Glasscanon is 18% all the time

Hope this help.


Ahhh :exploding_head:

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That really depends on your build and without seeing the aggregate craft, I cannot definitively tell you which would be better.

1 legend 50% Glass Cannon affix maxed would be 18% more Continuous damage and 18% less HP

1 legend 100% Elemental Critical Damage affix maxed would be 28% when elemental critical occurs


if you can kill the enemy fast, Elemental Critical DMG is better. if the battle drags out to the end of the Round, Glass Cannon would be better.

if I remember correctly, after about 5 Elemental Crits, you can’t Elemental Crit anymore. not sure if this applies to Nova Mythic. so if the enemy survives your Elemental Crits, your ECD becomes useless in the later part of the round. of course, if you get a bunch of Draws, the extra DMG from the ECD might give you the win early in the Round.

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It’s really hard make a build. Try to get deadly strike in and speed.

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Thanks @Tokiba @Mr_Scooty @dickwad @Golem.

Is @defender active again?

I am asking this because his warrior oddly gave me more trouble lately than @Mr_Scooty’s ASWANG.

In the matchmaking loop whenever I take a good chunk of Mr_Scooty’s points this guy’s warrior takes more from me. I recall one time he soaked ~1.47m damage from my twins in less than two seconds(my campers do not generate this much but my active gameplay builds can.)It did not die.

So yeah. To conclude, against this kind of build, the Olympian’s one hit shot will benefit a lot.


You’re welcome. You’re having trouble with his warrior because he’s using Sheildwall for his OH special in addition to using immortal type build… There are many ways you can overcome that issue.


Thanks Mr_Scooty. Because of my studies I can no longer conduct enough experiments in-game.

I first considered uninstalling the game after the 2v2 feat. But man, if I will come back to playing videogames why not DQ, right?

So if that’s the case then I want to come back with my twin wizzy boys at near-optimal capability.


And I don’t see the anti-immortal and olympian being nerfed anytime soon.

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@NUIQUE I’m still in mythic 2v2 league. And division 4 on 1v1 eternal. It’s annoying .

@dickwad. If you have not yet tried it get a powerful barrage build like the one shared by @Mr_Scooty.

You can get to div2 on 1v1 with legend versions of the ignis bane and aether brace.

In 2v2, you might need the full(or adapted ) version of the build to take on two charging immortals or one of the likes of @Mr_Scooty, @FairyTail, and even @defender 's warriors.

In 2v2, use your anti-immortal as hireling. Get a tanky main char. Here you can use your hybrid summoner.

Here is the tricky part:

Make sure your hireling anti-imm does not take cv toŕrents, or as little as possible. Make him use manashield also.

But how?

At the start of each round, charge immediately to the center of arena. Attack the opponent with main char.

Find a way that your main char. can damage the opponent first before your anti-immortal does.
This way the cv torrents will first go after your main char while your anti-imm will do the killings. The time window is relatively small before the cv torrents start looking for your old man. It should be enough though.

I tried experimenting with a summoning anti-immortal but failed miserably(and amusingly​:joy::joy:). Poor furies die at the sight of charging immortal. Summoned units hate glasscannon masters.

I hope this helps.


Can’t upload the video for illustration.

I use an anti immortal rogue using Mansfield and bullets as projectiles.


I also experimented with ricochet anti-immortal. Very good knockback and uncontested range. Problem is blindspot up your screen.

Barrage solves this issue my friend.

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My bad wolf build @NUIQUE

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Your creativity amazes me. Do you have @ bloodless trinket?

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