Best single hit in battle arena = 2.19M

Thanks. What is a bloodless trinket ? I just make up builds as I go along with help from @Golem and @Mr_Scooty. They are into their math. I just like crazy ideas.

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@dickwad im using Bloodless Trophy. :smile:


Why a bloodless trophy. I’ve probably got one somewhere🙄

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@dickwad as far as i know Bloodless Trophy has Purge and Reduce DMG from Bleed. :thumbsup:

AR Piercing then add Weaken. :scream:



Think I may have an eternal one somewhere. I have so many trophies and pets (legend and external) that I don’t have enough characters to test them out. When I go farming my inventory gets full in seconds because my bags are full of items.

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The bloodless trinket is key if you want to go anti-immortal or high damage.

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AR piercing and clotting come in handy.

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based on my observation when your character is near fatal, or bleeding to death, then purge goes, it saves you from death and the bleed stopped. :thinking: im sure @Mr_Scooty knows this.


My polytheme Pam character. And before you say it I have too much extra attack.


@kiane_zaine gave me the idea for this build.

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Hahaahha. I’m sorry. I have not noticed that all along. I guess I assumed DQ purge = DOTA purge. Then placebo… hahaha


Excellent loots @dickwad.

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@dickwad. nice Rogue build. that 2 elemental critical will help and give more DMG from Deadly Strike while wearing Sureshot Leather. i have no idea how Deadly Arts works.


Deadly arts simply means that if you have a deadly strike against an opponent then you don’t have to wait for the spell to charge back up to use again. Deadly strike charges it back up instantly … But it’s a proc :grinning:


My snowman character.

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This is my strawberry fields character.

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@dickwad. How does the mythic nova work?

I tried it once and all I see it do is create some explosions on the character’s feet.

Trust me with nova. It is just a proc. But if you have critical affixes on gear ( especially deadly strike ) it does serious damage and is beyond your control. You could put master stones in gear to increase proc chance.

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