Dungeon Quest - Game Update recommendation(s)

it’s not to the actuall topic but nice to see you again my senpai and are you working now with the devs? and as long as you are still patching DQ1 , it means that DQ2 won’t come out that quickly, will it? :slightly_frowning_face:

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First three character slots for newcomers should be free provided they level the characters to 99 before they are eligible for the next slot. Final character slots remain in game purchases. Increase enslaver appearance spawn rate slightly.

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My recommendation or suggest for a New comming new mhytic skill or new spacial vanity set’s hehehe. Or perpect converter build when use jasper to all char. I like suggestion of @Golem and @dickwad and @HawkEye and @DuDono.


Thank you for your suggestion @Indy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you for your suggestions @Mr_Hercules


Thank you to everyone who provided suggestions for the next patch. Your suggestions were very helpful and insightful.


@tdaniel slightly off topic for which I apologise in advance. Have you any timeframe estimate to look forward to the update ?

Moved this here and briefly re-opened the topic to reply.

We are jumping through a lot of hoops right now getting our base game updated to meet new 64bit requirements from Google Apple and Amazon.

I think we are close to starting testing on the updated content as well but I don’t know when we are going to ship it, will depend on how easy/difficult transitioning our existing game base to 64bit requirements.

We will post here for sure when we are getting ready to release it for sure.