Eternalized Sets

If I equip for at least 7 sets of it with a luck value of 847, is it hard enough to find an eternal legend pets or items?

some of the first post can apply to farming for Eternal Items as well as pets. the second posts states that Eternal & Crystal Items have a 1% chance to drop, and the % can be increased by Luck %, Eternalized & Crystalline Sets, and Treasured Perk.

hope this helps.


I can confirm, eternalised set makes a huge difference, if you’re farming specifically for pets, Eternalised(8) would be worth it


well, now that I’m thinking about it, I might have to rethink my Farm Build a little bit, because I kind of want to get Eternal Maps more often (don’t have Eternalized on the Build, but I do have Treasured Perk).

was Searching :mag: around right now, and Treasured Perk with Eternalized (5) would give me +550%, or a 6.5% chance to drop an Eternal Map. guess I really need to rethink my Farm Build towards getting Eternal Maps more often. good thing about this Thread, it is helping me consider what kind of Crafting I need to do, as I have been thinking of tweaking my Climbing Build, and now I need to tweak 1/3 of my Farming Build to improve Eternal Map drops.

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I was planning for 7 sets only it’s because I would like to craft items with an Eternalized sets except to the ring because I have a special build in that ring itself hehe

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For floor hiking build, I’m just purely use Crushing Blow and atk spd (60%) based on stat caps. It’s highly effective with a 6 sets of Crushing Flames but if the sets of my Flintlock is Eternalized instead of CF, I’m hoping that It worked well :grin:

As long as you have just a little damage, CrushingFlames(5) is fine

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I surrendered my Hunger sets from my head items and also my CF 6 to 5 and I see the differences like I slay Enslaver in nearly 3 seconds back then compared today that I kill it for roughly 3-4 secs huhu :sob:


Update on my Eternalized (7) sets:

It won’t work on pets (not until it’s a legend or an Eternal pets because it becomes an items if the pets is at the Codex) but it works in items and;

Rarity of pets maybe based on the luck affix and acquiring them also through completing Feats in the Codex.

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Luck does help. I actually got a Merlin Imp with my Floor Climbing Build from the Enslaver, and it wasn’t from the Defeat Enslaver Feat. my second one was with my Farm Build and the Defeat Enslaver Feat.

I have also gotten a around 3 Legend Pets with my Farm Build that weren’t from the Defeat Enslaver Feat, and it feels real good each time it happens.

keep Farming, and you will eventually get all the Pets you are looking for.