Mana shield+Fury?

What if i use “fury” + mana shield, am i basically just can’t die? (if i can hit before get hit cuz skull shoot like crazy)

and i can’t test by my self, cuz i don’t have much resource.

that would not work.

Fury goes down 5% every second when not casting skills. it goes down faster when casting Special Skills. it goes up when casting Primary Skills. if you cast Skullshield, the Skulls shoot automatically without casting, so they don’t affect Fury at all.

found these, hope they help.

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Oh okay. I thought it was just a strong MP on hit, thank you sir.

Fury, Energy, and Bloodmagic don’t use Mana to cast skills.

Discordance and Equivalence use Mana in different ways to cast skills.

Alchemy uses both Health and Mana to cast skills.

each of these also have benefits and penalties when using them as Resources.

Mana is the default Resource.

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Fury + Manashield + Barrage is pretty strong.