U can use Obsidian Crystal to add Crystal Affixes to item.
Look at thats also u can ask what u don’t understand.Also i should fix some wrong set affix explains on the wiki/dictionary:
Frozen:Frozen enemies explode and deal %25 of the last dmg per rank when die.
Crushing Flames:Increases Crushing Blow’s last dmg %50 per rank.If enemy Immoloted(fire element crit) increases Immolation DMG %25 per rank.
Arcanist:Adds to your attacks arcade buff.%20 more element dmg per rank for one enemy with arcane debuff.
Living Force:Your procs come back to you.They deal %20 dmg per rank when coming back to you.
Deadly Arts:%1 chance per rank finish all cooldowns when you trigger deadly strike.Reducades dmg taken from Deadly Strike(Methinks %1 per rank idk).<- already useless i think.