Need help with my build to my wizard (pve)

U can use Obsidian Crystal to add Crystal Affixes to item.

Skaul’s DQ School

Rollable Affixes


Mythics by Griffin

3.0 Set Bonuses by Alkahest

All About Weaknesses

How to Max Farming Stats

Look at thats also u can ask what u don’t understand.Also i should fix some wrong set affix explains on the wiki/dictionary:
Frozen:Frozen enemies explode and deal %25 of the last dmg per rank when die.
Crushing Flames:Increases Crushing Blow’s last dmg %50 per rank.If enemy Immoloted(fire element crit) increases Immolation DMG %25 per rank.
Arcanist:Adds to your attacks arcade buff.%20 more element dmg per rank for one enemy with arcane debuff.
Living Force:Your procs come back to you.They deal %20 dmg per rank when coming back to you.
Deadly Arts:%1 chance per rank finish all cooldowns when you trigger deadly strike.Reducades dmg taken from Deadly Strike(Methinks %1 per rank idk).<- already useless i think.