New here, my build is weird, help

SS is short for Satyr’s Spirit.

when you get to Character Level 99, in the Shop > General Tab, there is a button at the bottom. it is greyed out when you are below Level 99, and brightened when you are Level 99. when you tap it, you get a choice of 6 Perks. there are a bunch of posts on which order to get them and why. most players will get all of them, and some only get the ones they really want and ignore the others.

when you chose a Perk, you get reset to level 1 with level 1 equipment. the equipment you had equipped are placed in your bags until your character level is half, rounded down, of your equipment level, at which point you can equip them again. your Stats get reset to 1, but the Hero Points in Skills are not reset.

this post shows in which order you work out the early damage part of any build.

Base Weapon Damage add Power Stat. multiply by Item Quality and Weapon Dmg%. add Weapon Dmg+. multiply Elemental Dmg%. add Elemental Dmg+. the weapon damage only applies to the weapon it’s on. elemental damage applies to weapons of the same element.

so if you have an Epic +100% weapon dmg with +5000 weapon dmg and 2 epic +20% elemental dmg with a +5000 elemental dmg, you could do more damage than if you didn’t have them. each Power Stat gives 75 points of damage, so the 5 you start with at level 1 gives 375 damage. BWD is all based on weapon level. negative Item Quality actually lowers your damage a little (-10% is supposed to be the lowest, but I’ve only seen -8% so far, but I’m still looking…).

there are +200% Weapon Damage and +100% Elemental Damage affixes. they can’t be rolled with Ruby (which rolls for Legend affixes), they can only be found on Legend Items (the LegendEx in the Codex lists all the Legend Items and the affixes they have on them).

this post is an easy way to boost damage. sure, there is only a chance to get a critical hit, but you can improve your 10% chance to 60% chance, and the crit damage from +50% to +400% (+350% cap plus the base +50%).

dead enemies cant kill you, so more damage means you can kill them before they kill you!