New Ultra Rare Sets

Has anyone found any part of the new ultra rare sets or heard anything about how to get them? Been farming mythic 3 floor 750+, but have had no luck yet.

Maybe these ultra rare sets drop on a very high floor than +750? Or the chance to get them is so low, hence the name “Ultra Rare”. Keep on farming though, maybe youll be the first one to obtain one :open_mouth:

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Someone posted that they found one on 2070 m3, or something like that. It looks like the post was removed, but I remember that the set was called Mercenary. I’ve been farming 2000+ M3 and so far nothing.


Interesting… Well thanks for the tip. Let the hike begin!

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Thanks for the info! Noob question here, cause it’s been a long time since I last played. Is there any way to rapidly increase a map’s level (besides from converting it), or do you have to work your way up level by level?

This is the only way I know…

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That sucks :frowning: thanks for the info tho!


Mythic 3 floor above 2000 ? :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I dont mind hiking that high but they should have atleast said anything about what is it that we are actually farming xD

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I’m self isolating at the moment. Oh well I need to make another farming build.

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Looking forward for that!

I have been progressing slowly now to recover my resources from making a PvP build…

Been looting some “Rares from Epic Mob Drops” like Nadroji and I was happy for a moment, but then I remember that dust resource exists so :frowning:


I really hate farming :joy:


Grinding had a sense of achievement for players back when dust/crafting wasnt a thing.

Everyone in the forum(the old one) was asking for guides to get those really rare legends like nadroji crystal.

Obtaining both accessories back then(even those Defiant sets) and show it in the forums makes you an instant celebrity(Everyone without one will comment “where to get nadroji” and “how to farm Ragnarok” which gives us a sense of pride back then). Everyone was just scrambling to make the best guide for farming frenzy, in which I joined in and made one:

Its obsolete now but hey im proud of it.

Hey but that doesnt mean grinding has no downsides.


Still sucks though :sunglasses:


You do not need to be on floor 2000 to get the new sets. In most cases (99% of the time) those folks are running modified version of the app which is why they are on floor 2000+ in the first place.


Ye apparently the items appear in 1000+ above only, based on the item description.
And i got it in mythic boss too, so chances are really low on looting it in regular mob, i cant recall but i think i use legendary map too but its 2070 m3 for sure at that time


Well, glad I’m in the 1% :slight_smile:

Also good to know I don’t need to farm 2000+.


Not all players that is beyond floor 2000 m3 is using a modded . They are just patient with the hiking . MOSTLY ARE THE LEGIT PLAYERS. Hope you get it sir

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Isnt this quote from Tdaniel the same as your line:

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Is there any chance that you could let us know at what floor they do start to drop? I made my way to floor 1000 and used quite a few legend m3 maps and still haven’t found anything. It’d be easier if I knew what goal I was actually working towards, using rare maps or increasing floor levels.