The state of content updates (and where we stand as a company)
Updates take a great chunk of time to do. I don’t know if everyone relaizes but Steigerbox does all and I mean A L L of the code work for the updates. I handle some code stuff on the build side but it is Chris flying solo for the most part when it comes to getting these updates ready.
We have a great number of helpful testers that help us vet our game play changes. This kind souls play out of the kindness and passion for the game.
I do all the hardware testing (and in most cases it could be argued that I do a poor job at that). But when there are over 2500 Android devices along that can play our game testing for every hardware issues is impossible for us…but we try.
We also try to work to get as much exposure for our game as possible. If we have an option to say, get featured with a potential partner but they only have a slot for us in X weeks away, we have to take that gamble. A feature like that could put us in a great position to make our current game even more awesome!
I know how frustrating it can be to wait for a patch or content follow up (I play games too!) but understand we are not going this in any sort of malicious way. We are just trying to deliver the best product possible for our players AND position our games to be as successful as possible.
Bottom line, thanks for your patience and Ascension will be here as soon as we can make it so