Returning player: build help!

Just thought of a question, is there any single one affix that is good for single target damage? Specifically for legend and mythic enemies? I obviously wanna kill them if they show up but sometimes they are really difficult to kill.

The build I’m planning for is best at wave clear and not single target so was thinking if there is any affix I can add to improve single target potential?

Crushing Blow/Flames: although this becomes less effective the less Health and the higher the Tier of the monster, Crushing Blow or CB with Crushing Flames is still number one for high floors and especially high Tier monsters on high floors. affects Players in PVP as if they are Rare monsters.

DMG to Elites: Can’t be rolled with Ruby. I can’t remember if you can have 5 or 6 Items with this affix (I looked at all Items in LegendEx a few years ago). No cap. Legend affix +25% Damage to Magic, Rare, Epic, Legend, Mythic Tier monsters and Players in PVP.

might be best to have one +10% Crushing Blow to lower enemy current health 25% and one DMG to Elites +25% for the best combo against High Tier monsters. Demonic doesn’t affect CB but would double damage from DMG to Elites when enemy Health is below 25%.

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Thanks. I’ll see if I can incorporate that into the build.

Also just got the eternal ring. Was hoping for the normal legendary since I can’t alter the eternal versions. But I guess I have both eternal ring and amulet now. Yey. Haha

Still not a single normal legend Nadroji drop…. Urgh

Edit: Although ring is not too bad. Now I can free up amulet slot to make Sanctuary and still have easy +4 all set.


Can the Reactor Set be rolled with crystals? Need it on OH for the sets to make sense. Will have to do Crystallised MH, Eternalised Helmet, Nadroji chest and Ring, and Plague amulet. But there is no native Reactor on OH. So is it craftable?

looking in the Crystal Crafting Restrictions post… Reactor can be rolled with Amethyst, but it has to be on a Wizard Item, so if you are a Warrior or Rogue, you’ll want a couple of Jasper Crystals. it doesn’t have to be an actual Wizard Item. if you are using a non Wizard Item, Jasper it to Wizard, get Reactor on it, then Jasper back to your Class.

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Thank you so much. Then I just need to find a good base with maybe a legend affix I want already on it, then play RNG roulette for the set.

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Omfg my new TV arrived yesterday and I noticed it has Google play store because it’s a Google TV. So guess what I managed to install on my TV, and connect to with my Bluetooth Xbox controller?

Just need to login as well.


wow, that’s really awesome!!! :eyes: :sunglasses:

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Game really would benefit from a performance update though. Because a lot of these unecessary effects lag up the gameplay. Not to mention that pack size is a very important farming affix and the game can barely handle pack size at times. Haha

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Pack Size Ghosts drive me crazy. especially if they are fast movers and are still doing damage to me. not to mention a lot of auto attack targets them instead of the monsters trying to kill me!.

I think there are multiple problems here. it’s a combination of Large Monster Packs, the Gold & Items they drop when killed, and the many effects shown on the large number of monsters on the screen. I’ve noticed that how fast/slow you kill a pack of monsters and how fast/slow you pick up the Gold & Items also affect how often and how many Ghosts show up.

also, this is a problem the Dev’s are aware of and have been working on (I think) since the Beta Test Days. I have noticed that the device I’m using now compared to when I first started playing DQ has few Ghosts, but it might be because I try to play in a way that I don’t have to encounter then so often.

I try to keep my Pack Size affix at +120% or lower. sometimes I’ll go higher when I feel like going crazy with Pack Size Ghosts.

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So right now because of levelling I tend to run pack size at 130%+ not to mention I spent 1$ every now and then on 100% pack size and enslaver spawn. So I’m sitting on 230% pack size on average right now.

I do get a few of the ghosts but overall I get way more kills this way even if the ghosts are annoying.

The lag that bothers me the most is for example when using skills such as meteor or whatever, that’s bloated with particles, cover the entire screen, and for example with an aftermath build summons 5-6 meteors every 1-1.5 seconds, which quickly lags the game.

I do hope for an optimisation patch at some point even if no additional content is added. Because today the technology is way better than it was 10+ years ago in 2012 when the game was released. So it should be possible to make it run way more smoothly with at least 60fps.

ahh, I think I remember something mentioned about the game engine that is being used and the Dev’s don’t own it outright?

I was testing Meteor and Meteor Proc over 100% a few months ago and couldn’t tell if I was dropping 9 Meteors or 6, and then did a test with only Meteor Proc over 100% and it showed me dropping 3 or 6 Meteors (Prismatic really helps with this). I wasn’t dropping on lots of monsters, but I didn’t have lag problems.

I think the last time I actually had any Lag (the game lagged so bad it was frozen long enough that I got tired of waiting… LOL!!!) was when I did a test with Shadows Set on a high floor with a not good for testing build with lots of monsters… I think I had to close down and restart the game… and this was on my previous Android. I should do a Shadows test again and see if it happens again with my current Android.

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Not sure what Android version my TV runs, but I primarily played on my iPhone 13 before I got my TV. For some reason the trigger buttons L2 and R2 doesn’t work on my TV but works fine when I use the controller for my phone. Seems to be slightly bugged but I am not sure.

I haven’t had full on freezes yet but I haven’t done too much testing either. What I have had though is immense frame drops. Down to 5-10fps I’d guesstimate, making it fairly choppy. That only happened when I tried the aftermath set, spam alternating shatter and meteor trying to utilise the set effect of them resetting each others.

Not sure what the game’s current supported frames are. But it feels like it normally runs 30, and when lagging it drops to at least 15, sometimes lower.

Also your comment about the engine, do you think that is what is limiting it? If so, it would actually be a lot of work to fix as they’d either need to acquire rights to modify the engine and thus fix the problems. Or alternatively remake the game in a different more optimised engine at which point they’d have to do a lot of work.

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Stats on the hireling doesn’t affect the main at all right? So if both characters run poison and hireling also has poison damage% stat for example. It’ll not add to the main character’s poison damage right?

So I finally got the weapon I wanted for my build. Since I’m going to be relying a lot on explosive, which is 400% MH damage on explosions, I want the main hands damage to get as high as possible. Any improvements here? And yes the quest socket needs to stay, since I wanna use it to grind exp as well and I already lost a quest socket because of my eternal Nadroji ring. Was debating replacing the legend poison damage % with Multi Attack 2, or Extra attack chance 2…. Does multi attack 2 on other gear pieces affect the weapon? Or?

it depends on the Element.

if both are doing Fire or Poison, they will both do weapon Damage, but the DoT will be from the damage that was highest from either Character.

if both are doing Shock, the Shock Debuff will stack from both, so if you can get 4 stacks of Shock from Main & Hireling on the same enemy in 5 seconds or less, that enemy will have 8 Shock Stacks for +100% damage.

for Ice, I don’t know if enemy is slowed 100% and -50% damage if Main & Hireling have Iced the same enemy. I sense some tests in the future…

Arcane requires Ascendant Set for Arcane DoT. I don’t know if having Ascendant Set on Main & Hireling will stack or not when they have attacked the same enemy. another thing for Arcane is if using Arcanist Set with Ascendant (with Weaken) on both Characters, do you get double ED% or only one works. thinking about it, since Weaken only works for the Character it is on, it could go either way, so until there are some tests…

oh, Element Damage + or % on Main & Hireling with the same Element, Poison for example, doesn’t affect the other Character. if the Main has +200% Poison and the Hireling has +300% Poison with +10k Poison, they both do not have +500% Poison and +10k Poison. these affixes only work for the Weapon of the same Element for the Character that has them Equipped.

Legend Multi Attack can be placed on any Item with Ruby. Mythstone Multi Attack can only be placed on Ring or Amulet.

Epic Extra Attack Chance and Mythstone Extra Attack Chance can only be placed on Weapons. Living Force Ring & Amulet both have Epic Extra Attack Chance.

Multi Attack and Extra Attack Chance only work on the MH Primary Skill. in the post above with the Sword, that would be the Pierce Skill. when using the Discordance Mythic, MA & EAC would affect the Special Skill instead, in the post above with the Sword, that would be the Orb Skill. depending on the Skill, either extra attacks will be shown or the Skill will have it’s damage increased, so the DPS would be the same either way.

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Okay that was a lot of information. Thanks for explaining how the elements react together as far as you know.

What I wonder more specifically with Multi Attack is that if I have it on my chest piece for example, will that increase the weapon damage that explosive scales upon? Because having multi attack on the weapon itself I believe shows a higher damage value of the weapon both for min - max and the dps. Since I do not particularly care about Orb or Pierce’s damage but rather wanna rely on Explosive and Poison Cloud, I wanna scale the MH damage as high as possible for that purpose. If my memory serves me right Reactor Arc also scales off of MH damage directly similarily to Explosive.

Not sure what’s the most effective way to do this however. Right now I have managed to get 60% dodge and Sanctuary on my new build. Started running it fully now since I finally got ignore resist on a piece and rolled Reactor set finishing the final set I needed. I can now push past 250 on M3 although I haven’t tried much further because it’s a pain to kill legend and mythic enemies on those floors. I simply do too little damage. For wave clearing I pretty much instantly kill them with 2 explosive 400% stats with ignore resist.

So I feel if I wanna keep going up I’d need a way to do heavy hits on single targets. Went back to farming exp again instead but this time on floor 201 instead of 101 for a slightly different pool of legends to collect. Both my wizards are now 4 ascensions in and level 94. Soon claiming that fifth perk on both. They’ll eventually branch of into two different mains with different builds but I figured I might kill two birds with one stone and grind them together. One with a level 100 set with 160% exp boost and the other with a level 1 set with 200% exp boost. Alternating the gear.

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Base Weapon Damage
Power Stat
Item Quality
Weapon Damage %
Weapon Damage +
Element Damage %
Element Damage +

there are some ways to increase some of these variables before you go beyond Weapon Damage calculations.

these are all part of the Base Damage your Weapon does.

Pierce is 125% Weapon Damage, so when I calculate the Base Damage of a Weapon, multiply it by 1.25 for damage done by Pierce. with Pierce 20 +100% multiply by 2. WD x 1.25 x 2 =

for Orb is 200% Weapon Damage, so multiply by 2. with Orb 20 +100%, multiply by 2. WD x 2 x 2 =

Multi Attack and Extra Attack Chance only work the way I explained in the other Post. it doesn’t matter which Item or Weapon they are on.

Explosive is like a different Skill that has a 5% chance to cause +400% MH damage. WD x (1 + 400%) = WD x 5 = would be Explosive Damage.

now, lets say you have Dodge +60% and Pathfinder Set (5).
Weapon Damage x Explosive x Pathfinder (5) =
WD x 5 x 1.375 =

if you are using Pierce with +4 Multi Attack and Pierce 20 with Explosion +2000% with Pathfinder (5) and Dodge +60%

WD x Pierce x Pierce Skill x Pathfinder
WD x 1.25 x 2 x 1.375 = DMG every 0.5 seconds

WD x Pierce x Pierce Skill x Pathfinder x Multi Attack
WD x 1.25 x 2 x 1.375 x 0.5 = four Pierce every 0.5 seconds.

WD x Explosive x Pathfinder
WD x 21 x 1.375 = Explosive Damage.

since Pierce and it’s Multi Attacks is 5 attacks every 0.5 seconds, Explosive has a 5% chance 5 times every 0.5 seconds to explode.

basically, any damage boost that affects global damage or MH damage is what you want. in addition to that, you may as well have 5 Explosive for max cap damage, and Plagued Set for more Poison DoT damage for better Toxic damage, and as many Blight up to 6 that you can fit on your Items.

also consider the weapon you are using. for Wizard Gauntlet has BWD of 64, Staff 45, Sword 30 and Wand 25. for what you’re thinking, Gauntlet or Staff are the weapons to use. for highest damage for the Poison, use Meteor (WD x 7.5) or Storm (WD x 6) without Skill Points.

here’s something to think about. you know those bosses after every 5 levels? on level 200 is Ignis. if you can kill him without dying in 5 seconds or less, you will know how to make high damage builds that don’t die very often. I was really excited the day I killed Ignis in less than 5 seconds, or even the other 3 bosses on 195, 190, and 185 in 5 seconds or less.

one damage multiplier that’s easy to use is +60% Crit Chance with +350% Crit Damage and +30% to +60% Deadly Strike. these work with any damage except Crushing Blow & Crushing Flames. a 60% chance to do 5x damage, with a Deadly Strike making the Crit Damage 10x damage.