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i found 2 bugs :

  1. I dont know if its normal but i got a ring with the normal affixe dodge and with the epic affixe dodge

  2. Im not sure (80%) but i think with reroll its impossible to have more than normal affixe on an epic affixe (ex : HP max = 5000, epic HP max = 10000, with reroll i cant get more than 5000)

Those are both definitely bugs, thanks for finding and reporting them! Will be fixed by next patch. :smile:

Not been playing long but so far, loving what I am seeing. Would love to see new characters in the game. As of right now I have had no issues with the game other then the fact that you have to buy a new slot for an additional character… :frowning: Other than that the games seems bug free. I would be more then happy to make IAP but with the forcing of buying slots kinda feel forced to spend money on the game.

Think of it like the free trial version of the game is one character that you can play to level 99, floors 1-200, and after that if you like the game enough, you can get a second character for a buck! We like this model for the game since it basically gives you the entire experience on one character for free. Other free trial modes limit character level to 20 and limit floor progression, for example, but let you play all characters. That was seems a bit more limiting and jarring when you hit that “pay wall”, but we could be wrong! We’re always up for hearing about alternative ways to offer the game. :smile:

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hey guys

thanks Devs for making this great game
had a blast with my warrior smashing mobs from level 1 all the way to level 100 MP 5 . i like certain aspects of the game business model although i dont quite like the idea of exp boost cuz its an unfair advantage
epic enemies in floor 101 MP5 all the way to 200 needs to be nerfed . i find crash too frequent ,would be better if you guys could fix it , that said anyhow i like to make a purchase for 2 char slots , exp boost and luck boost
i had a questions for exp boost and luck boost

seeing that i will most likely pay 2 bucks for those boost
will those boost be permanent? or just one time use?

maybe some suggestions

  • auction house would be great ,RMAH is a major turnoff
  • pets shouldnt give unfair advantage
  • maybe some more class like Shinobi , etc
  • a vanity items we should be able to customize how our weps will look like
  • mana-reserved or life reserved effect auras that can help increase resist or DPS or survivability

thanks for hearing my feedback/suggestion and answering my questions

Thank you very much for posting, and for playing DQ!

As far as your questions go:
The luck and XP boost last for 1000 enemy kills. So no, they are not permanent. They do remove all ads in the game (and that is permanent).

Pets are not planned right now to give an unfair advantage, and some will be available for players to buy with gold as well.

Ninjas (Shinobi) are very cool :smile:

The weapons are different from the vanity pieces currently, we will see if we can do anything about adjusting how they look but I don’t know how we would go about doing that/I am not the right person to answer that question :smile:

Thanks again for the post!

Like 10 mins ago i fighted an Epic Summoner and his AI was bugged, he walked on me and he turned on himself in to infinity (I was static)

Quick question, does your character have elements on any weapons, so that he does a DoT effect to the enemy?

thats a shame it only last for 1000kills
dont wanna make this game p2w with my suggestion
i would gladly pay 2bucks for a permanent luck and exp boost on 1 char

We can understand that perspective. We feel that the 100% bonus that those two would give would be an extreme advantage to the game, so to temper that we reduced it to a set amount of kills and removed all ad’s forever from the game if those items were purchased.

That is not to say this won’t change in the future, but that is just some line of sight into why we did what we did.

Thanks again for the comments!

Meteor have DoT damage no ? I use Meteor ( and i tried with the DoT of the teleport too)

Afaik fire and poison attacks in general apply dots ice applys slows and shock pushes enemys back. Not so sure bout the last one

For reference:

All DoTs ( over time effects ) that are affected by Fester ( duration ), and Sorcery ( increases damage for Fire and Shock, chance of Shock jumping, and slow speed of Ice ).
[color=#00FFFF]Ice:[/color] Reduces movement by 50%
[color=#FF4000]Fire:[/color] adds an additional 80% damage over 2 seconds
[color=#00BF00]Poison:[/color] adds an additional 80% damage over 8 seconds
[color=#FFFF40]Shock:[/color] 50% ( and after first jump 25% ) Chance to chain additional shock bolts to nearby enemies

Other DoTs:
[color=#FF00BF]Ascendent:[/color] Increases damage dealt by other elements by 12.5% per rank of Ascendent
[color=#FF0000]Bleed:[/color] adds an additional 100% damage over 10 seconds.

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so it was DoT damage

I got two items with Blood Magic (Chest and ring) and try it, and that is my feedback :

  • Great up of my DPS (88k to 108k)
  • Great up of my HP (25k to 55k)
  • Main hand/second hand use too much life when spamed (around 700/800)

So, for now, i wont use it because i die very quickly because i have around 2 attack per second and i kill myself

How much HP Leech and Regen do you have? Usually helps to have enough to make up for how much skills costs.

2.70 HP leech and 1500 HP regen

U shouldnt die then o.o
I have like 40k hp with bloodmagic chest 3atk/sec and around 2,7 hp leech and im fine with spamming

what is your main hand and second hand ?

Orb in off hand and sword/staff/wand main hand