September 10, 2021, 5:51pm
Welcome to Dungeon Quest Forums @Hinatica !
although I don’t speak Spanish, the Translator is pretty good, so I will help as best as I can.
@justjoey053 in the early game, you are stuck with what you find in loot. items with Luck and Gold Find are a good foundation for getting started on farming. when you find Legend items with those and Fortune affix, and when you put Hero Points in to the Fortune Skill, your loot will increase, and eventually you will have the stuff to make some of the items you found in the Forums.
one trick that is good for beginners is when you use Angelite Crystal on items, when you put the sixth affix on, i…
Accomplished: Reduces Requirements To Complete Feats By 25% (Rounded Up).
Kill Enslaver Feat requires you to defeat 200 Enslavers to get 1 Legend Pet Reward. with Accomplished, you only need to defeat 150 Enslavers to get 1 Legend Pet Reward.
as good as the Rewards for finishing Feats are, they are not a really good reason, by themselves, to get Accomplished. but there is a second Reward for finishing Feats that makes Accomplished the best first Perk for Beginners.
most Feats give y…
Read the Codex. if you don’t know what cool stuff to farm for, you wont make a farm build to get it.
New Players are stuck with low tier Crystals & Myth Stones, and random items. the 2 most important Crystals for New Players is Angelite: give 1 random Normal (Yellow) or Epic (Orange) affix, and Kyanite (remove one affix of your choice. works on Normal, Epic, Legend, and Set affixes). Calcite is good for changing your items Elements when needed, but with Angelite & Kyanite, you can make a set of…
at this point, you need to decide if you want to just fight monsters and get loot, or get the 6 Perks that make it easier to get more loot.
if your are fighting monsters and getting loot, the choices are to climb floors or farm for loot. climbing focus’s on surviving and dealing lots of damage, farming focus’s on getting lots of loot from defeating monsters and stuff, while surviving.
if you are going for Perks, you need to get 200% experience bonus, and then some survival and damage ability, …
these are some posts to help you decide in which direction you want your Builds to go. you could make Equipment for more than one Build, so you could have Farm Equipment for getting Loot to make better Equipment, and a Climbing Build for getting to higher Floors. if you are interested in getting Perks to improve your Farming, then you could make an Ascending Build to get them.