Hercules share barrage build for every one

Sorry for being under estemate with you. now you are the best NUIQUE. :boredparrot:


That’s okay. No one else knows my build so it is easy to think that it must be a critical damage type instead of immortal class.

I made small adjustments again.


vault: timing
sanctuary: time duration
= Profit

that if you’re a rogue user.



Teach me sir nuique.


Sorry pal.

I can’t make it known.

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:wink: Good eyesight!

the Door to Ravenclaw asked ‘Which came first, the Phoenix or the Egg’ and the answer was ‘A circle has no end’. the first time I read it, I thought it was a really cool answer. really deep and thoughtful.


its like who came first the chicken or the egg but for me its the chiken parents first came here before us children…


the egg that hatched produced the first chicken but it was a genetic mutation of its parents DNA and the bird that hatched was different from its parents. Its parents were not chickens but a similar species of bird. Just my theory. Its like why do girraffes have long necks ? Well at one point they didn’t. Some baby girraffes were born luckily with longer necks so they could reach the food that others could not reach. The others had competition for food and died out. The girraffes with long necks survived and had children who also had long necks etc.


Then some long necked giraffes had children with even longer necks and so on. Did you know that 90 percent of the human DNA is identical to that of a banana ? The remaining 10 percent is what makes every living thing on the planet different and makes the difference if you are human or a plant. Evolution theory used to think man descended from apes. Silly idea because apes still exist. I think everything (just my theory and not scientific) is that all creation has one common ancestor. Probably some boring microscopic cell type of thing. Badwolf s theory of Everything.


is there enough time in existence for there to be enough Barrages of Successful Mutational Chances to mutate non living matter & energy into just one living microscopic cellular organism? let alone the Barrages of Successful Mutational Chances to mutate that one cellular organism & it’s descendants into the diversity of life we have on Earth right now?

I have a hard enough time Crafting a PVP Build let alone a Farm Build. and I can’t Craft anything if I don’t have anything to be Crafted with. and if I have a lot of things to Craft Builds with, and I am not logged onto the game, will anything be Crafted with my items when I am logged off of the game?

we ask which came first, the Phoenix or the Egg, but the real question is, where did the Phoenix and/or the Egg come from in the first place?

Golems Barrage of :thinking:.


Time is relative. If you imagine the entire history of this planet as a 24 your clock then the history of mankind occupies a one second.


uhm this is going deep nah … (grab pop corn and soda)


You do this while watching debate? :upside_down_face:


I just now used Google to look up some stuff, and from the look of things, both Creation and Evolution both require ridiculous amounts of time, depending on what you read.

basically both sides require lots of faith to believe while getting Barraged by theories and information from the other side. having read books from both camps, before you even add Fiction to the debate, it all comes down to what you choose to believe after looking at all the information and theories we have at our disposal at this time.

no matter what we believe the bigger picture to be, we all agree that DQ is fun to play and share with each other.


nope i just enjoy reading every comment i just like to know more about the game and thanks to you guys you made my day good


Without an exactly barrage full reveal by nuique.

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And the old build of barrage build with sir Mr.Scooty i would like to share of all any class of barrage if you willing to improved.
Scooty Gift: Anti-Immortal Craft

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