##Griffin’s Smithery: Mythics##
Hello and welcome too this Griffin’s Smithery post on Mythics as always the Griffins Smithery topics are currently a WIP and will be fleshed out much further with time on this one I have a couple quick comments here and there right now but there will be much more eventually
Main hand Mythics:
All chances too proc on these affixes is 30% and damage dealt by these is Main hand damage%
uses the twister animation except it stays on the player character and functions like the whirlwind skill pulls all enemy’s in too you dealling 300% Damage per hit (bugged on current patch does not pull enemy’s in)
Hero, Boon, Haste, Flight
Bombard casts many mini meteors that do not have the lasting damage circle on impact that each deal 250% damage per hit This is an extremely effective ability at causing chaos in PvE
Mentor, Endow, Death, Master
Fires an orb that uses the cosmic orb animation and rapidly fires off small bolts that deal 100% main had damage this skill is extremely effective in PvP
Gift, Wisdom, Clarity, Return
Fires a series of 3 rocks that deal 300% damage each and have knockback
Boon, Death, Abyss, Zenith
Causes an AOE centered around the player character that deals 300% damage per hit good for close up PvP builds
Endow, Death, Rebirth, Time
Casts an arcing spell that deals 350% damage and auto targets enemy’s so you will need too be within range of enemy’s for it too cast this will chain up too 5 times and is Good for control in PvP
Hero, Abyss, Flight, Return
Summons 3 fury’s in an aoe infront of the player character that loots like a very small version on bombard and deals 300% damage good too combo with the summoner mythic
Hero, Protest, Endow, Quest
Off hand Mythics:
All damage dealt by these skills is Off hand%
Has a 10% chance too cast stealth and cause a blinding AOE that deals 100% damage this is the same stealth as the rogue one and will be affected by heroic skills
Protest, Clarity, Death, Flight
has a 30% chance too casts an AOE around the player character that has a 100% elemental critical chance and deals 250% damage
Gift, Haste, Abyss, Return
Has a 30% chance too cast a teleport that does an AOE at both the start and end of locations of the teleport that deal 250% damage
Haste, Quest, Fortune, Elixer
Chest Mythics:
An enemy who has been pierced by an attack takes an additional 50% damage from all sources piercing attacks will say they pierce in their descriptions or an attack can pierce through the use of a Mythstone called Zenith
Gift, Clarity, Abyss, Zenith
Any enemy with the bleed DOT effect on it will take an additional 50% damage from all sources
Hero, Boon, Flight, Time
All Main hand primary skills deal an additional 50% damage this is a good mythic for experimenting with crafting with and for use early on because it is extremely cheap
Boon, Gift, Clarity, Haste
When an enemy has full health you gain a 100% chance of dealing a critical hit too that enemy
Boon, Haste, Death, Quest
need too test this one too be 100% accurate I shall return with more data
Hero, Boon, Endow, Return
Deadly strikes will deal triple normal bonus critical hit damage instead of double
Wisdom, Haste, Death, Master
Helm Mythics:
Any HP or MP you gain will give you 25% of the amount you gained in the other so if you heal 100 HP you will gain 25 MP and vice versa
Protest, Boon, Endow, Flight
Doubles HP regeneration when you have not actively used a skill 2 or more seconds
Hero, Mentor, Flight, Fortune
When attempting too use a skill you do not have enough of whatever resource you are currently using gain resources equal too you mp regen
Boon, Haste, Rebirth, Time
When you get a critical hit gain 1% of your max MP
Clarity, Death, Flight, Time
While your moving your MP regen has a 1.25 multiplier applied too it
Mentor, Clarity, Flight, Return
The 10% minion heal from using the skill Command and the 50% minion move speed bonus from the skill summon will also affect you
Hero, Boon, Endow, Master
Ring Mythics:
MP and HP orbs will now explode for in an aoe for 100% damage when picked up instead of healing you HP or MP this mythic is very good early on and for experimenting with crafting as it is exceedingly cheap
Mentor, Gift, Wisdom, Clarity
All your resists are now equal too the highest of your resists this is not too be confused with your all resists stat that is factored into all of your other resists but this will not raise your all resists stat
Protest, Wisdom, Endow, Abyss
When you activate a shrine this includes the HP and MP pool an additional 1-3 epic tier enemy’s will spawn this however will not stack with the hunter perk from ascending your characters if you are new too the game you will want too obtain this ring rapidly as the hunter ascension perk is one of the worst ones you may pick when ascending normally
Rebirth, Flight, Quest, Fortune
Reduces the damage you take by 1% for every enemy within 10 yards of you this is the only way you can actually reach 100% damage reduction this would of course require you too get 100 enemy’s on screen however so yknow watch out for device preformance
Boon, Clarity, Haste, Death
Changes the element your attacks are too the one that normally would be effective against that enemy this is not neccesarily the element that is most effective against that enemy the ring will not account for extra resists
Protest, Endow, Rebith, Return
Instead of adding MP using an MP potions now increses your attack and move speed by 50% for 3 seconds
Gift, Death, Rebirth, Master
Necklace: Mythics:
Hero, Protest, Abyss, Return
Picking up gold gives you the same amount of XP as it does gold this mythic is 99.7984% useless seriously do not craft ut unless you are trying too complete the mythics tab in your codex
Flight, quest, Fortune, Zenith
I will be doing more testing soon still a WIP till then
Clarity, Haste, Flight, Time
Mythical skill will deal an additional 25% damage this is all main hand and offhand mythical skills
Death, Abyss, Flight, Elixer
When you cause an elemental critical it will deal an additional 50% damage this is super useful for things like poison in PvE and fire+bleed and PvP
Wisdom, Abyss, Return, Time
When you hit 0 HP you will automatically recover 25% of it and you will not die this effect recharges every 30 seconds
Mentor, Wisdom, Endow, Return
Resource systems:
Changes your resource system too your HP, adds your MP pool too your HP and changes all MP based effects too HP ones this does not however include mythic effects that involve MP so things like harmony will not work with this also doubles all resource costs. your damage is increased by the amount of HP you are missing divided by 1.25
Hero, Gift, Clarity, Abyss
Equivalence averages HP and MP too the same value and gives you 50% damage and resource cost reduction based on how equal you current HP and MP are. This mean that losing HP will increase the amount of damage you take. this is particularly useful in PvP because it effectively doubles the values of your Regeneration and HP/MP on hit effects if you can keep those stats close too the same
The formula for the bonus from Equivalence is as follows: [Current bonus to damage and resource reduction from equivalence = lowest HP or MP / highest HP or MP * .5 * 100%].
Mentor, Protest, Death, Fortune
Converts your resource system too Fury your total energy is 100. damage is buffed by the current percent of Fury you have you gain 10 fury with primary attacks and use 50 with secondary fury naturally decays at a rate of 5% fury per second this makes pistols an exceptional weapon too use fury with
Protest, Gift, Abyss, Return
Converts your resource system too energy your total energy is 100 and energy regeneration per second is 30. your damage is buffed by the current percent of energy you have. Primary skills cost 10 energy and secondary skills cost 30. Mp steal effects energy and has a rather powerful effect however HP steal and harmony have a much lesser one
Hero, Wisdom, Clarity, Abyss
The cooldowns and mana costs of your primary and secondary skill on your main hand are switched around there is however a hidden internal cooldown placed on your secondary skill however so no you may not cast meteor 8 times a second I may or may not come back with a number for that cooldown
Mentor, Boon, Death, Fortune
this one is really long and I’m a little iffy on it being 100% accurate so I’ll get back too yall after some in depth testing with some numbers
Protest, Wisdom, Abyss, Return
Edit: After this post got deleted momentarily by accident it lost all of the likes on it (a butt load) so please help me restore it to it’s prior position and like the post if you liked it